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Descriptive: This image is descriptive because it shows the viewer exactly what the dish would look like if they ordered it from a restaurant in Nassau, Bahamas.


Explanatory: This photograph on is explanatory because it explains and shows all of the different fireworks in a set.


Interpretative: My photograph is interpretative because it allows the viewer to depict the context of the photo and what the image is portraying.

Aesthetically Evaluative

Aesthetically Evaluative: My photograph is aesthetically evaluative because it shows the naturally beautiful colors and scenery of Nassau, Bahamas.

Ethically Evaluative

Ethically evaluative: This photograph by Robert Frank is ethically evaluative because it is showing the challenging lives of those in the past and the issues of segregation.


Theoretical: This photograph on is theoretical because of the photographers creativity and the ballet dancer portraying a flying bird.

Multimodal Presentation

Synopsis of Multimodal Presentation:

For this presentation, I chose to explore the work of Steve McCurry. He is an American Photographer, National Geographic photographer, and photojournalist best known for being one of the most historic voices in contemporary photography for over 30 years. He has photographed many images over all seven continents and several countries. I chose Steve McCurry because all of his photos told a powerful story and showed different emotions. Additionally, his techniques were very interesting, using a lot of different lighting perspectives with a huge focus on animals and humans. A lot of his work is interpretive as well as ethically and aesthetically evaluative. In my video, I mentioned different images found in his photo galleries and each photo was successful in telling a story.


My New Perception of Photography:

After exploring Steve McCurry's work, I have a better understanding of the effects of combining animals, nature, and human beings. Each of his images were so powerful and also displayed a lot of color. The use of colors is so important in photography, as well as using the different techniques of lighting. Photography isn't just about taking aesthetic images, it is so much more powerful to demonstrate more meaning through these techniques. In the future, I want to challenge myself to take images that bring upon different emotions and stories.  


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